Filter by Small Batch
Fine Art Print, YouTuber, Youtube video, Influencer, Photographer, Photographer education, Photography, Youtube Photographer
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“Hip interior with clean lines and very trendy. Serves good coffee”

Filter by Small Batch roaster situated at the corner of Kings and Collins street. Hip interior with clean lines and very trendy. Serves good coffee. My first visit on this trip.



Head to Filter for


    1. Coffee
      Familiar looking baristas from Auction Room and Filter as the name suggest serves filtered coffee by Small Batch Roaster at North Melbourne.I’ve religiously went back to Auction Room for many reasons that I’m sharing in the Auction Room article. While Filter delivers.
    2. Experience
      If you like Auction Room, it’s a modern twist to a modern coffee place. No brunch.
    3. Photography
      Quite  a pretty place for photo